Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shoot for the Silver

DD has been working hard on her Silver Award since January. Her troop planned and executed a Field Day on September 11th for younger girls in our service unit. It was a successful day but DD seemed a little "off" when we sat down to finish up the paperwork.

Knowing that she did not put in the required 40 hours for her part in the field day she told me she was not going to finish her award. That made me exceedingly proud but also sad. I never got my Silver Award and I don't want her to miss out on hers. Fortune favors the honest and I found out she has another full year to complete her Silver.

But we won't be taking that long. Because all of the pre-requisites are complete and only the IPs they worked on did not fit the current project idea she has. So we set out to find a new project.

Hearing a report on the radio about how this winter is expected to be especially cold we started talking and bouncing ideas about how to help the homeless in our area. Being a crochet instructor at a craft chain the idea literally hit me as I was walking in the yarn department. I told DD about Warm Up America and asked her if she wanted to learn to crochet.

We decided to finish up a few craft related IPs (Artistic Crafts, Paper Works, and Graphic Communications) she had previously done a majority of the work for and she is now hard at work on her project.

I spent October teaching her basic stitches and she spent it practicing. November 2nd we started our 45 blocks in 45 days challenge. DD has made a goal for herself of one block per day, I set a goal for five. If we both meet our goal we will have enough blocks for 6 blankets.

To come up with more support and share the workload I have put the information on my FaceBook page and my favorite craft forum (AC Moore) I have also offered to teach basic crochet in our home for free, the payment is blocks and donated yarn. DD will be helping with the classes too. She will have well over 40 hours by the time we get together on December 18th to sew the blocks together.

Several of my crafty friends have e-mailed to say they will be sending blocks and one even said she is mailing us a box of yarn.

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